Lava Cakes
My cousin and I drove down to see my family this year for the holidays. We spent the better part of Xmas eve making some Okinawan soba since it's somewhat of a family tradition. Whenever we have some sort of celebration, we make noodles... It's like some sort of pact my ancestors made back in Japan, I don't know, don't look at me.
In addition, my mom had prepared a ton of food for us to eat. It was enough to feed a small army.
The drive down to the desert was LONG. It's supposed to take about seven and a half hours but it took us a little over ten. Traffic on hwy. 5 was slow and as we approached 210 (LA area) it got even worse. The drive back was better, the roads were not as crowded. We stayed with my brother and sister-in-law who have recently bought a house. Two more of my cousins and their spouses came over as well and we all had a lot of fun.
One of those nights, my sister-in-law made these delicious lava cakes. They were wonderfully moist and melty chocolate came pouring out when you put your fork into them. Yummmm.
I really need to learn how to make these.