I'm addicted to Peet's...
Peet's is wonderful. It is hands down the best coffee I've ever had. If you think otherwise, then you'd be wrong. Before Peet's I only had coffee perhaps a couple times a month. Now that I've been exposed to the tastiness that is Peet's, I have to have it everyday. There is one just down the street from my place, which is a happy thing. There is one a couple of blocks from where I currently work, very happy about that too. AND there is one on the same block as my new job! Caffeinated happiness!
Hi Kiari!
This is Min from ceramic class~!!
I Love Peet coffee too.
let's meet up sometime and have cup of coffee~~
Posted by: Min | August 10, 2006 11:32 PM
...tumbleweeds...blowing by...how they roll...
Posted by: megaxander | August 31, 2006 03:19 PM
I once released a tumbleweed captured in Southern California into the wild of Suburban Portland Oregon... It rolled anround my college campus for a week and then disappeared for greener pastures. I don't know where... I should have put a tracking device on it.
Posted by: leonard | September 3, 2006 11:44 PM
But with the current administration, you might be able to tap its phone calls and know where it's hiding...
Posted by: DK | September 4, 2006 10:37 PM