Clearing out the tumbleweeds
Thank you for all the tumbleweed comments...I haven't updated in ages, yes I know. :-P It's just so hard nowadays. I'm pretty busy what with the new job and all. Let's see, my last update was in May, wow. During the past few months I've been working mostly. We went camping near Lake Tahoe in late July-- that was a lot of fun! Beautiful views:
We're going camping again but this time near the coast. I'm very much looking forward to that. We just bought a new tent too-so we'll get to try it out and see how it feels. It comes with room dividers so we could have a nice 3 room tent or just a more spacious larger tent. It has those mesh tops so I expect it will keep us nice and cool.
This last weekend we went to the State Fair. I had never been before so that was very fun! It was hot, but the exhibits were a nice cool break. We got on a few rides, which I just lurrve. We got on a regular roller coaster type thing when we first got there and then before we left we got on three more rides: ferris wheel, an up and down thingy called "Technohop" that made us all giggle uncontrollably, and of course the Zipper. We got some really nice flips in that thing, good times. Although I did keep having this nagging thought: what if the door swung open during one of the turns? Yes, not too good.
Aside from the terrifying possibility of instant death, I had a great time.
Hey, thats really beautiful. I'm going up to the mountains of New Hampshire tomorrow too. If I take any pretty pictures, I'll share. Anyhoo, sounds like you're busy these days... we'll ketchup some other time.
Posted by: leonard | September 8, 2006 04:29 PM