English has no Future
No future tense, that is. English constructs sentences in the "future tense" by using one of the modals (will, shall, must, etc.). For example, "Joe will go to the movies". The verb go is in its infinitive form. By using "will" we make a prediction (in the present) of what we think Joe will do in the future. The verb itself, is not in a future tense. Compare to languages which have future tenses, like Spanish. For example: "Juan irá al cine" (Juan will go to the movies.) The verb is inflected for tense by adding the 3rd pers. sing. morpheme -á to its infinitive form ir thus arriving at the future tense form of "go" irá.
Perhaps, in a couple of weeks I will come up with better examples/explanations for you language nuts.
Hey! Who're you calling a language nut?!
Posted by: Anne | March 15, 2009 10:41 AM