Next on my reading list "How to Survive a Robot Uprising".
Handy tips here:
Robot Uprising
Stay alert, people.
Posted by DK at 11:24 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Today in the mail I received a book that I had ordered some days ago. It's by Edward Gorey (or in the case of this specific book, by "Ogdred Weary"). I really like Edward Gorey's stories and illustrations. They're funny, strange and mysterious- even sinister at times. They're written like children's stories, with an illustration on each page and part of the story right below it. I have a compilation of his works and I really enjoy looking at his drawings every now and then. One of my most favorite stories is called "The Doubtful Guest". Don't know why, but I find it quite funny and weird.
I think "The Curious Sofa" will rank amongst one of my favorites as well. It starts off like so:
He invited her to go for a ride in a
taxi-cab, on the floor of which they
did something Alice had never done
Very curious indeed
Posted by DK at 04:59 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)