Okinawan Soba
Happy New Year! Apparently, my best friend and I did not feel like we did enough cooking during the holidays. My family always does something special for New Year's so I thought I'd go with tradition and make some more soba. For this, we had to make some pasta from scratch. So, while I started up the broth (made with a nice fat hen, some pork, shiitake mushrooms, ginger, raisins, and some other stuff) my best friend started kneading the pasta dough.
Fresh pasta!
The dough has to be left to rest preferably in the fridge so the magic pastifying ingredients can get to work. When it comes out of repose (maybe 20 min.) it's ready to be rolled into flat long pieces with the pasta machine. Once that is done, it's ready to be cut (see pic. above) and cooked. We make our pasta like tagliatelle (not as thick as fettuccine but wider).
I put together more mushrooms, some fried fish cake, green onions, and the delicious bbq pork we bought to use as "toppings". Since last time I talked about it I didn't provide any visuals, here it is now:
Time to eat!
It was pretty tasty, if I may say so myself...