Gaming tragedy
Screenshot of my DMC 3 gameIf you don't play video games, you might not understand this as fully as someone who does play. Especially when the game is a game like Devil May Cry 3. Some time ago, I finished the game on "normal" so I decided it would be a nice challenge to go ahead and play it in "hard" mode. I was on the very last mission and yesterday was going to be the day. I had gone back to different missions in order to get me some money to at least buy a large vital star for the big fight against Vergil (the final boss fight, that is). Everything was ready, so we (my best friend and myself) decided to go out, hang around Japantown and get some good ramen (I was also itching for some stationery store action...).
We came home around 10pm and I got myself ready to beat the crap out of Vergil. Something seemed off when the "load game" screen came up. And then, slowly I realized the awful truth:
My best friend had accidentally saved over my game.
Another screenshot: fight, fight!Now, there are 10 slots in which to save a game- TEN. Why pick number 8? Oh, why oh why? In all fairness though, it was quite by accident. You see, I had been playing before she played (yes, I got her into it, hah) and the system will automatically take you to the last save slot that was used. So when she went to save her game, she didn't realize she was in fact overwriting my game. I was able to find an old save in another slot when I had just beat the game in "normal" mode, but my "hard" mode game was only in mission 3. There are 20 missions in this game.
Needless to say, she felt terrible and now insists she will make it up to me somehow. She kept apologizing to me :-( I found it so unreal it was almost comical. Here I was about to do this whole beating the game on hard mode and at the final battle, my progress gets erased. I really wasn't mad or bummed out or anything. I kept chuckling, which at first had a "you're freaking me out" effect on her, but after she realized I actually did find it funny , we just laughed. Whaddaya gonna do?
Update: I may not be able to regain use of my right hand, but I'm glad to report I'm now on Mission 17, yay!